Drop off and pick up locations are located at Sorority Village from 1:00 - 1:45, Fraternity Park from 2:00 - 2:45, and Hess Hall from 3:00 - 4:00 every Tuesday and Thursday.
Each plan comes with a maximum number of uses (Bag Credit). Those weekly credits can be used in consecutive weeks, with any unused weeks credits rolling over and remaining available for use later. Semester Plans come with 16 bag credits - and Annual Plans come with 32 bag credits. More than one credit may be used per week - but your plan will cap at its maximum bag credit. Additional credits can be purchased at any time.
Pretty much, if you can stuff it into the bag - we'll wash, dry, fold, and deliver it back to you. Don't even worry about separating colors - we'll take care of that for you. Anything we find in the bag that needed to be dry cleaned, rather than laundered: You will be contacted before proceeding. Otherwise, stuff it in and you'll get it back clean and folded.
If you skip a week dropping off laundry - don't worry. Your bag credits (number of uses available) will roll over and still be available at a later date of your choosing.
Campus Laundry is owned by Prestige Cleaners - the best in the biz in East Tennessee. If you have items that require special attention, let us know - We'll make sure your item is taken care of. Items that fall outside the typical laundry category will be charged normal retail pricing directly through Prestige Cleaners.